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Use Cases

Our sustainable analytics platform is fully customisable, allowing you to use it as a complete solution or adapt it to your specific needs. Furthermore, we offer seamless integration options to fit your workflow, including API integration or easy access through a ready-made web app.

Automating ESG workflows

Picture of a chart with an upwards trend

Asset Managers need…

Reporting on portfolios for both regulatory and client purposes

ESG research capabilities

Controversy monitoring to keep on top of portfolio holdings

Data integration capabilities to compare different ESG datasets


From portfolio to report in just three clicks, featuring continually updated SFDR, EU Taxonomy, and TCFD capabilities

The highest quality and latest ESG data available for 20,000 companies at your fingertips

Our LLM detects controversies in real time and our Controversy Detection service provides daily alerts for portfolios

Customisable API integration and integration of your external datasets

See how the GaiaLens ESG Analytics Platform can support you with your ESG strategy 

GaiaLens logo where icon is filled with different images such as trees, people working together and the ocean
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